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County wide campaign launched to support local hospitality businesses

One Worcestershire’s Make It Worcestershire campaign is expanding to support the county’s hospitality industry.

One Worcestershire is an approach to raise the profile of the county. It is not owned by any one organisation or partner. It is a public and private sector partnership reflecting county wide pride in championing Worcestershire as a place to live, work, invest and visit.

For too long now, Worcestershire has been one of the country’s best kept secrets. So let’s not keep it secret any longer and let’s share our success and showcase the best that our county has to offer. From the edge of the Cotswolds to the outskirts of the UK’s second city, Worcestershire is a county where you can thrive.

The Make It Worcestershire campaign was initially launched last year by One Worcestershire to support local food and drink producers and retailers across the county and is now expanding further.

The campaign will focus on helping to advertise and showcase the great hospitality that Worcestershire has to offer and will look to share stories of local businesses and how they have adapted in the past year.

With many hospitality establishments across the county opening their doors for the first time in several months, the campaign will be looking to encourage support for these businesses in a safe and responsible manner in line with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

A toolkit has been created for businesses to help them become involved with the campaign, and encourage others to Make It Worcestershire when making their future travel plans.

The tool kit has been designed to be as easy to use as possible with graphics and material being created for businesses to simply incorporate within their own sales and marketing activity. This activity will then be further supported by the campaign partners to reach as wide an audience as possible.

There will also be various virtual events to introduce local producers to hospitality organisations to help encourage and build local business opportunities.

To stay up to date with the campaign and join in on social media, use the hashtag #MakeItWorcs

For more information about the Make It Worcestershire campaign and for how to get involved, visit the One Worcestershire website. –

The campaign has been developed in a partnership style and will be supported by organisations such as Worcestershire County Council, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership, Worcestershire Regulatory Services, Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, Worcestershire Ambassadors, North Worcestershire Economic Regeneration Development, Visit Worcestershire as well as district councils and many more.

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