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Easy Options for Starting a Home Based Business Today

Interested in starting your own home based business?  Starting your own business can be both exciting and challenging.  For most, it’s an eye opening experience with all of the issues and items that need to be dealt with, generally far more than most expect!  And since costs are a frequent concern that is mentioned when starting to work for yourself, focusing on home based businesses enable you to get started faster and with less costs than a business that requires offices and other costs that can be difficult for many.

According to Entrepreneur magazine, a home based business is:

A business whose primary office is in the owner’s home. The business can be any size or any type as long as the office itself is located in a home.”

In fact, 2 out of 3 businesses are begun in spare rooms, bedrooms or basements!  Some household names that started that way include:

  • Apple Computer
  • Baskin Robbins ice cream
  • Hallmark cards
  • Lillian Vernon catalog

In addition, over 50% of all businesses are home based and remain that way according to the SPA’s Office of Advocacy. So beginning with small, affordable options that allow you to keep costs low is a smart start to your business.

Home Based Business Options

While there are many home based businesses that can be started with specific training, skills or background, the following are some options that don’t have those requirements and can be started easily.

Childcare –

Whether it’s in your home or at the family’s this is an easy and quick way to get started with a small business.  Check licensing requirements for having in home childcare if you think you’ll be having several children at a time.  Letting friends and family know that you’re looking for clients and check out various online sites for listing yourself and your business will make it a fast and easy start up.

Senior Care –

Like childcare, there’s a growing need year round for those with the skills, understanding and patience to work with the ever increasing senior population.  Having life saving or CPR skills will be a benefit in this type of business.

Read more about the option of Becoming a live in carer

Personal Organizer –

If you can’t stand messiness and clutter, then you may have a real calling!  So many people are simply unable to handle this for themselves and need and want help.  Add in that you will remove the items from the house for them for free and you become indispensable.

Home Staging –

Feel like you missed a designer calling?  Well, how about getting started now with a home staging business?  Reach out to businesses and realtors in your area with some examples of your own home or spaces that you’ve created for others.  Scour second hand shops, flea markets and yard sales for items that you can use in your arranging of homes.

Pet Sitting & Walking –

If you love animals and want a business that gets you moving in addition to earning money, a pet sitting and walking business will do that.  You can pet sit in your home or at the pet’s home.  Walking pets does need to be done in all types of weather but it’s great exercise and you’re getting paid as well!  Flyers in mailboxes, letting neighbors know and community websites are affordable ways to get the word out.

Tutoring –

We all have subjects that we know well from school and even topics outside of school!  And students the world over are looking for help.  Perhaps you are great with math and can help in any of several areas of math such as counting numbers through college calculus, then starting a tutoring business in math at Math Brains or other sites can be a great way to get started!

And it’s not just traditional courses that students are looking for help in!  There’s a need for sports help, music, art and even tutoring within the nursing field is needed, such as being an NCLEX tutor if you’ve taken and done well on that exam!

Using Your Language Skills –

Perhaps you are a great linguist and could help the many people moving internationally to pick up the local language more easily. The skill required to be able to teach English as a foreign language, or Spanish and Portuguese, with increasing numbers speaking these languages in both South and North America, are always in high demand.

Large organisations, too, are increasingly looking to make their branding, advertising and corporate communications accessible to a wider global audience. It is now common for company videos to have foreign language voiceovers and/or subtitles that present the business messages not just in the native languages of their target audience but also with sensitivity for cultural differences and with terminology familiar to their potential customers. For that reason  people fluent in a second language are in high-demand.

Writing & Content Creation –

Do you like to write?  With the increasing use of virtual workers, there’s a tremendous need for writers of all types.  Whether you want to write on specific topics or have a certain type of writing that you enjoy doing, it’s not difficult or costly to get started.  Creating profiles on sites such as or, to name a couple, is easy and free.  In addition, you can find mountains of information online about how to get started with this.  Remember though, it takes getting your name and abilities out there so be proactive!

eBay and Amazon –

If you like shopping and selling, then consider opening up an eBay or Amazon store!  The costs associated with both have gone up in the last year but there are still many that are making a good living on both sites.  Best of all, the fees (in general) are only billed upon a sale.  You can upgrade your accounts for additional options that mean a monthly charge, but we’ve found them to be worth paying for the benefits that you get.  These are easy, fun and profitable as long as you pay close attention to your margins and profitability.

That wraps up our 8 Fast and Easy Ways to Start Your Own Home Based Business!  Once you’ve found an option that you like and want to pursue, dig deeper into the information from others that have started a similar business so that you can learn more of the ins and outs of a successful business in the niche.

There literally are so many easy ways to make your budget go further – image no more shoestring budget and no more having to manage on less money than you need – and cut your debt (even if it is good debt) that you just need to get started. You are no longer restricted to only taking payments for your business in cash or via a bank transfer thanks to the Shopify mobile credit card reader.

Remember, the only way that you’ll be successful is by taking action!  Good luck ~

2 thoughts on “Easy Options for Starting a Home Based Business Today

  1. I”m liking these options for earning some extra money. eBay doesn’t pay what it once did but there are still pretty cool things you can do on that platform. Thanks for the additional ideas!

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