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PUBLIC HEARTS is delighted to share its trademark

Cheltenham’s founding, double award winning and only not for profit community defibrillator campaign continues to go from strength to strength.

Public Hearts is committed to raising awareness and numbers in life-saving defibs in and around Cheltenham and is bringing fantastic successes to date.


As at the end of January 2023, Public Hearts has facilitated and installed 44 public access defibrillators in our community from a standing start of none in Cheltenham Town Centre 4 years ago

The success of Public Hearts is testament to the collaboration of like minded and community centred businesses, charities and organisations, all working together for one common goal.

Current out of hospital cardiac arrest survival rates are less than 10%. With prompt access to and safe use of a defibrillator, the chances of survival can be increased by up to 80%.

Public Hearts mission is to facilitate and install as many public access defibrillators to support the local and visiting populations of Cheltenham.


Fortunate to have the backing of key defib partners including Cheltenham’s own Spirax Sarco and philanthropist Bob Holt OBE, it’s important to us all that our work in the community is protected by this trademark. It gives our defib partners and the community confidence in our not-for-profit work and that any party displaying our Public Hearts logo and word elements are indeed connected to us.


Thanks for the continued support, we have a number of defibrillators we are ready to install into the community

Please get in touch  to find out more


Public Hearts Defib Hub

More About Us and our Not For Profit Community Campaign

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